
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

5 Weeks Update

I saw this on my twitter friend @RiGatorMom's blog Baby Gators Den and decided to borrow the idea. It's just a neat way of keeping everyone updated on my pregnancy!

P.S. I had just finished eating supper when I took this picture and there is some major bloating going on!

5 weeks
*How far along?:  5 weeks and 1 day
*Total weight gain: 2lbs
*How big is baby?: 0.13 inches, about the size of an appleseed 
*Sleep?: I wish I got more.
*Best moment this week?:  Having the midwives email me back!
*Movement?: Nothing yet, but I can't wait!
*Food cravings?: No cravings, just really hungry.
*Labor signs?: No, and there better not be for 35 more weeks!
*Belly button in or out?:  In.
*What I miss: Nothing yet.
*What I’m looking forward to:  My midwives appointment.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Finding a New Doctor

I went to go see my doctor on Tuesday to tell him I was pregnant so we could set up an appointment and get things rolling. Well to my surprise he doesn't do deliveries anymore! I was pretty upset, he was an amazing doctor: he listened to what I wanted and didn't force things on me, he gave great advice, and he was just plain old nice. He told me he would send a referral to one of the other doctors that he feels comfortable with sending me to, and that they would call me in a few weeks and let me know when my appointment is. I mean that's good he is doing that for me, but I don't want another doctor, I don't want to have to form another relationship. I'm really stressing over this (I know don't stress it's bad for the baby) I just have this fear of an evil doctor that won't listen to what I want, and that will just make me have a c-section.

So, becasue of my fear, I decided to fill out an application form with the local midwives (which also has me stressing now) There are only 2 in my area, they both work together, they can only take so many patients a year and its first come first serve. I really really want to get in with them, I know they will respect my wishes and the personal relationship will be much better then one with a doctor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get in. The site says it can take up to 2 weeks for them to get back to you. 2 days down 12 to go.

Oh I also went to see my doctor was for my ultrasound results regarding my possible cysts. Well, they were completely normal! My ovaries looked good, my uterus looked good, everything was healthy. What a relief that was to hear, one less thing of my stress list!

Monday, August 1, 2011


I have been keeping a secret for a few days now...

As most of you (probably all of you) know we have been TTC for 10 months now. I never thought it would take us this long, we were barely trying with C and it only took us 1 month. It was a long journey, for us, and I am excited to say that we are pregnant!

I got my first positive at 10 dpo, but the line was barely there so I didn't believe it. Well today I am 13 dpo and the line has definitely gotten darker! I was going to wait until I actually missed my period to tell all of you, but I have been worried the past couple days because of that burning pain I've been having. I won't get my ultrasound results until (hopefully) tomorrow because my doctor decided to take a holiday. He always seems to take them right at the wrong times. Anyway I just need support and reassurance right now and lots of sticky baby dust.

I figured our due date to be April 10th, 2012!