
About Me

Hi, I'm Désirée. I am a stay at home mom (or as I like to say a domestic engineer) I have a son who is one energetic toddler and my husband who is an equally energetic man. I will always call Alberta my home even though I spent the first 7 years (-8 months, because I was born in Calgary) living in Ontario. My dad was in the military, so we moved a few times before settling into a small town in Central Alberta.

My life is great, being a mom is more rewarding then I ever thought possible. Being able to watch my son grow and learn has been amazing. I have always wanted to be a mom, I wanted to stay at home and raise my kids, and to cook and clean. I am so grateful that my husband felt the same way as I did and that he has a good job to support us all.

In September of 2010 we made the decision to start trying for baby #2. I thought that it would only take us a couple months because it only took us 1 month with C. I was wrong, but our journey has finally come to an end. After 10 months of trying and 1 chemical pregnancy, we are SO excited to be expecting the next Baby Murray in April 2012!